[iOS/Point-Free] 동시성프로그래밍: Sendable, Actor
iOS/💻 iOS Study
PointFree 강의 정리 내용입니다!https://www.pointfree.co/collections/concurrency/threads-queues-and-tasks/ep193-concurrency-s-future-sendable-and-actors Episode #193: Concurrency's Future: Sendable and ActorsWhen working with concurrent code, you must contend with data synchronization and data races. While the tools of the past made it difficult to reason about these issues, Swift’s new tools make it a br..
[iOS/Point-Free] 동시성프로그래밍: Task
iOS/💻 iOS Study
PointFree 강의 정리 내용입니다!https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep192-concurrency-s-future-tasks-and-cooperation#task-cooperation Episode #192: Concurrency's Future: Tasks and CooperationLet’s look at what the future of concurrency looks like in Swift. A recent release of Swift came with a variety of tools with concurrency. Let’s examine its fundamental unit in depth, and explore how they “cooperate” in..
[iOS/Point-Free] 동시성 프로그래밍: OperationQueue, CGD와 Combine
iOS/💻 iOS Study
다음 내용은 Point-Free의 Concurrency 강의를 듣고 정리한 내용입니다!https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep191-concurrency-s-present-queues-and-combine Episode #191: Concurrency's Present: Queues and CombineBefore developing Swift’s modern concurrency tools, Apple improved upon threads with several other abstractions, including operation queues, Grand Central Dispatch, and Combine. Let’s see what these newer tools bro..
[iOS/Point-Free] 동시성 프로그래밍의 과거 - 스레드
iOS/💻 iOS Study
다음 내용은 Point-Free의 Concurrency 강의를 듣고 정리한 내용입니다!https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep190-concurrency-s-past-threads Episode #190: Concurrency's Past: ThreadsTo better understand Swift’s concurrency tools, let’s first look to the past, starting with threads. Threads are a tool most developers don’t reach for these days, but are important to understand, and the way they solve problems reverberate e..